Tuesday, April 2, 2013

DIY: Orange Easter Egg to Brighten up your Day

Since my mom bought oranges last night, my brother and I decided to make full use of it and made Orange Candles. It did takes us two tries to get a proper one as the peeling part was abit difficult. We found that it began to gradually burn brighter a minute or two after you light it. And after a short while, the room smelled like Oranges. It's so refreshing!

MATERIALS: Orange, Knife, Olive Oil

  1. Cut around and into the Orange just beyond the peel
  2. Put your finger under the peel to detach, resulting in two half peels and the orange 
  3. Keep the stem intact on one side of the peel as it will serve as a candle wick
  4. Pour oil into the peel with the stem to about half way (Make sure there is oil on the Stem)
  5. Light the wick (Takes about 15-20sec)
  6. Cutout whatever pattern or shape you like on the other half of the peel
  7. Put the second half on top 
  8. ENJOY!


  1. this is actually a great idea! I will follow you :)
    xx, Catarina


  2. Oh so lovely sweetie this is a georgeus DIY.
    Many thanks for share.



  3. Thank you for the kind comment on my blog
    Amazing idea and I love the bit labelled "to eat" ha ha



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